to let droop
返回 19 条匹配短语对
Let to use the stress
not to let down their guard against the disease
similar to TO-5 package
to let
to let go
to let know
to let market forces prevail
to let off
to let out
to strive to prosper;to strive to become well-to-do
distance from the foramen ovale to the anterior root of the temporomandibular articular tubercle and to the incisure and to the incisure of the infrazygomatic crest
To manage economic affairs according to 1aw;to put economic operation on a legal basis
to seize the big and free the small (to maintain close oversight on the large state-ownedenterprises and subject smaller ones to market competition)
to seize the big and free the small(to maintain close oversight on the large state-ownedenterprises and subject smaller ones to market competition)
to strive to become well-to-do
to vow to fight to the death
try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all
To conceptualize(a text’s meaning)to meet the intent of the author (yi yi ni zhi)
a form of address formerly used by an employee to his employer or tenant- peasant to his landlord
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